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多样性 & 包容

多样性 & 包容 STATEMENT

Cape Fear Academy believes that a diverse and inclusive community is an essential element of a successful 教育al experience. 多样性 strengthens a community by cultivating a richness of ideas, a broadening of perspectives, and a 尊重 for others. We are committed to building and sustaining a faculty, 学生的身体, and school 文化 which reflect the variety of talents, perspectives and backgrounds in the greater community around us. In doing so, we prepare our students to thrive in a complex and ever-changing world.

-Adopted by the Cape Fear Academy 校董会, Jan. 2019


什么是多样性 & 包容?

多样性: 多样性 is the range of human differences, including but not limited to race, 种族, 性别, 性别认同, sexual orientation, 年龄, socioeconomic class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, 国家的起源, and political beliefs. (Ferris State University)

Other areas of diversity to consider: geographic origin, 智能, 健康, 文化, statements of fact, 教育, 独特性

包含: a process of bringing people together from various backgrounds and creating an environment of success for all people.

Other understandings of inclusion to consider: fairness, 尊重, 归属感, 欢迎, 安慰, 住宿, 访问, 验收, 真实性, 真理, 同理心, 灵活的, 肯定, not bare minimum tolerance, 拥抱, 温暖, 信心



Our commitment to developing a diverse and inclusive community is an ongoing element of our work to be a school of excellence. Cape Fear Academy’s commitment to cultivating diversity and fostering inclusion is grounded in decades of research that these efforts promote:

多样性 & 包容 RESOURCES

Ready to learn more? 联系 our 冰球突破豪华版s Team to schedule an in-person or virtual visit and see Cape Fear Academy in action.